
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Male Management Systems

The DreamLover Laboratories are an amusing enterprise who have created the DreamLover 2000 Male Management system "a radio-controlled, electric pulse chastity device add-on featuring an on-board Male Management Unit (MMU) and specifically designed and fine-tuned to maximize your male's output and reduce training time required to obtain ongoing compliance."

For a very amusing Infomercial click here

So what is it? It's an add on for chastity devices that emits electrical pulses in a variety of manners to keep your man in line. It can be controlled by remote, via the computer and they even mention an iPhone app. 

Why am I not rushing out to buy one? It's about £870 and only guaranteed to be compatible with the CB range. Firstly I dislike paying that amount of money for anything that doesn't have a reputation for good quality, and secondly we've already broken a CB due to their design limitations.

It is however a rather amusing idea that I am sure will play directly into one helluva lot of guy's fantasies.

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