
Sunday, 29 August 2010

Going metal

Ours is a little smaller than this....

Well, our CB6000 is broken. My boy rolled over in bed and it split right down the seam and trapped his skin as it tried to snap back together. He's managed to patch it back together but we are not happy to keep using it on a long term basis and so we're making the move over to a metal device.

The one in the picture is meant as a joke (although I may use it as a threat if he doesn't behave) but metal has the advantage of being more secure and easier to clean. With that comes a pricetag however which ranges from £100 - £600 for the ones we've been looking at. We've gone with a Chinese manufacturer for now with whom my boy has been conversing to get the right sizes (he's much bigger than many mass produced items allow for) and if it all works out well I shall post the exact details and any issues that we come up against.

It does however mean that currently he is free range, and has already been cheating and entertaining himself. This shall have to be remedied....

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